Concussion (2015)
Starring Will Smith, Alec Baldwin,and Albert Brooks.
- I really enjoyed this movie of course the deal breaker had to be that
it was starring Will Smith a great actor that has
really impressed me in the past years and most likely will in the years to come with Suicide Squad on the way. I like this movie most likely because it
was a biography type film and it used many accurate medical techniques. This also caught my attention because I have a few friends who play football
and they already seem to be experiencing the precursor signs of severe head trauma which they don’t realize and just think of the fun they have not the
future detramental effects of playing the game. This film should have been an eye opener for many who do play football on whether or not they decide to
continue or stop now while they can before manhy more years of head trauma come.
For many this movie made them stop supporting the game of football and decide tghat their kids won’t participate either. A lot of former football
players had a wave of common sense come over them and regret playing as hard as they did or playing the game in general.